Water Security Agency

WSA Buena Vista 18-94

Buena Vista 18 was completed in 1994 to a depth of 119.3 metres into Empress Group sand and gravel forming the Lumsden Channel aquifer.  The well was completed by the Town of Regina Beach as part of a groundwater supply investigation.  The Water Security Agency began monitoring it in 1998 due to concerns of the potential for changes water quality to be induced by pumping.   

The hydrograph for the well shows that it is influenced by pumping from the Resort Village of Buena Vista.  This results in significant annual water level fluctuations of close to 1.5 metres in the well.  Low water levels in the well drop below 510.5 metres while high water levels approach 512 metres.

The Lumsden Channel aquifer is hydraulically continuous with the Buena Vista aquifer in which Buena Vista 09 is completed.  The two aquifers are distinguished based on water chemistry. 

In addition to monitoring groundwater levels, Buena Vista 18 is sampled annually for water chemistry.  The water is of the sodium-bicarbonate/sulfate type with a sum ions of about 1690 mg/L. The chloride level of 106 mg/L suggests it is influenced by bedrock water.

Land Location
Buena Vista 18-94
NW05-04-18-18 W2