Water Security Agency

WSA Regina TH6-85

Monitoring well TH6-85 was completed in the Condie Aquifer in 1985 to a depth of 18.3 metres below ground surface. As part of a program by the City of Regina to design and expand the Boggy Creek well field, test holes were drilled to identify potential well sites. TH6-86 was developed into an observation well to confirm water table elevation and saturated thickness of the aquifer. It is now used as a tool to monitor water levels in the Condie aquifer.

Groundwater levels in TH6-85 represent a combination of seasonal fluctuations and impact of dewatering within the gravel pits. Groundwater levels reached peak levels in late 2019 at over 606 metres above sea level. Mid 2021 saw a decline in water levels, which continue late into the year at about 604.5 metres above sea level.

Water in TH6-85 is of the calcium-bicarbonate/sulfate type with a sum of ions of 628 mg/L.

Land Location
Regina TH6-85