WSA Regina D1-86
In 1986 monitoring well D1-86 was installed into the upper floral portion of the Zehner Aquifer at a depth of 38.59 metres. The well was completed as part of a larger expansion project for the Boggy Creek wellfield by the City of Regina.
Groundwater levels generally ranged between 599 and 603 metres above sea level between 2010 and 2022. The hydrograph for D1-86 shows a decrease in the groundwater level in mid-2015 attributed to emergency groundwater use by the City of Regina as well as a gradual decline in water levels between 2012 and 2022. The maximum level in this well was reached in late 2012 at just over 603 metres above sea level. This well shows fluctuations from pumping by other users in this area.
Water obtained from the D1-86 observation well indicates it is of the calcium-bicarbonate type with a with a sum of ions of 440 mg/L.