North American Waterfowl Management Plan
The North American Waterfowl Management Plan is an agreement among Canada, the United States, and Mexico to restore waterfowl populations and improve habitat for other wetland dependant wildlife. In the last 17 years partners have contributed $827 million to secure and enhance 4.4 million acres (1.8 million hectares) of waterfowl habitat in Canada.
The goals of this international joint venture are to:
- encourage sustainable land use practices on private and public land
- improve habitat through provision of upland nesting cover and retention of small wetland complexes
- identify, protect and manage wetlands important for all migratory birds.
Other Partners:
Twelve Habitat Joint Ventures have been established across Canada to help facilitate activities in key waterfowl habitat areas. Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba belong to the Prairie Habitat Joint Venture.
The Water Security Agency coordinates North American Waterfowl Plan activities and delivers the Prairie Shores Program in Saskatchewan. Other programs are delivered by Ducks Unlimited Canada (Large Wetlands and Nest Structures programs), the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment (Waterfowl Crop Damage Prevention Program), and the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (Crop Damage Compensation Program).