Water Security Agency

Public/Community Beach Maintenance

Public/community beaches are typically located within a park, or on municipal or Crown land that is developed and maintained for the benefit of the public or a specific community. The natural, sandy shoreline areas and existing private beach developments located between private cottage lots and the water body are not public/community beaches.

Any or all of the following beach maintenance activities may occur without an aquatic habitat protection permit (AHPP):

  • Harrowing, raking, cultivating, or rototilling the existing beach area above the current water line whether by hand or using machinery (e.g., tractors, skid steers, ATVs/UTVs).
  • Levelling sand on the existing beach area above the current water line.
  • Removing dead vegetation that has washed ashore.
  • Removing small and large rocks that are found on the beach area above the current water line.
  • The addition of clean sand to the existing beach area above the current water line.

The following activities require an AHPP:

  • creation of new beaches or expansion of the existing beach area.
  • work on natural, sandy shoreline areas between cottage lots and the water.
  • work on private beaches.
  • removal of aquatic vegetation that is in the water.

The use of chemical herbicides for vegetation control on beach areas, and shorelines in general, is prohibited.