Water Security Agency Updates Reservoir Levels After Early May Rainfall
The Water Security Agency (WSA) is updating reservoir levels following recent significant rainfall across much of the province and parts of southern Alberta.
With this rainfall the province’s southwest reservoirs have seen increases in Junction, Downie, Harris and Cypress Reservoirs.
While rainfall was significant in the southwest parts of the province, this area had well below moisture levels going into freeze up last fall and at the start of the spring runoff this year.
In response to drier than normal conditions from last year, WSA is storing and retaining more water in the province’s major reservoirs. 33 of 45 major reservoirs are full or nearly full, while six more are 80-90% full.
Runoff from the recent rainfall in Saskatchewan and Alberta is still making its way into rivers and lakes so the full impact is not yet known, and will depend on various local conditions affecting how it accumulates.
WSA continuously monitors water conditions in the province and provides updates as conditions develop.