Water Security Agency

Landowner Permission

As part of the Aquatic Habitat Protection Permit (AHPP) application process, the applicant is required to obtain written permission from the landowner(s) (in the case that the applicant is not the landowner). The Water Security Agency (WSA) wants to ensure landowners consent to all activities on their land. When the AHPP is issued, it does not grant the permit holder the right to access lands they do not own.

In most cases, consent is required for all lands impacted by the proposed works. Written permission must be submitted with the AHPP application form. Without written consent, the application is considered incomplete and will result in processing delays. Consent can be in the form of a letter, email, agreement, easement or similar document, but we must be able to connect the landowner to the land (i.e. there must be consent from the owner listed on the land title).

Where work is occurring on environmental/municipal/public reserve land, approval must be granted by the municipality. On Crown land, approval must be granted by the ministry responsible for the land (usually the Ministry of Agriculture or Ministry of Environment). Where WSA owns the land, an agreement or approval is required from WSA’s Lands Administration Officer.