Irrigation Applications and Forms

The Water Security Agency is here to help as you explore the field of irrigation in Saskatchewan. There are various types of projects, water requirements and sources of water for irrigation. Let us assist you in your journey. Find the applications and forms that you will need to complete for a new irrigation project or to expand a current project on your land.
Surface Water Approval
The Water Security Agency has been established to manage, administer, develop, control, and protect the water, watersheds, and related land resources of Saskatchewan. Included in this mandate, the Water Security Agency has the responsibility for administering the approval process for the construction and operation of water supply diversion works, and the right to use surface water.
Aquatic Habitat Protection
The Aquatic Habitat Protection Program protects aquatic habitat from impacts that may arise from development in, or near, water. The program preserves and maintains aquatic habitat at the productive level which existed prior to the development activities by preventing temporary and permanent habitat alteration, increased soil erosion and sedimentation, impacts of construction timing and development on aquatic organisms and Species at Risk, discharge of chemicals, oil, gasoline, and other contaminants into water. The program also protects vegetation and habitat in the water and on the banks.
Ground Water Approval
The Water Security Agency manages, administers, develops, controls, and protects the water, watersheds, and related land resources of Saskatchewan. Included in this mandate, WSA has the responsibility for administering the approval process for construction and operation of wells and other ground water works and the right to use ground water.
Water Allocation
The first step in reviewing a request to use water is an assessment of water availability at the point of diversion. For surface water projects, this is undertaken by Water Security Agency using the best of available information to determine the suitability of the source to provide adequate water under a range of climatic conditions without negatively impacting existing water users, the watershed, or future water management. For groundwater projects the review takes place in two parts with the preliminary assessment of the supply being carried out by a qualified hydrogeologist working on behalf of the proponent. The proponent’s findings are then verified and evaluated by the Water Security Agency to confirm the suitability of the source.
Irrigation Development Process
If you are interested in starting an irrigation development project, the journey begins with the Ministry of Agriculture. They will assist you in the initial steps by helping you navigate through any complexities you may encounter and ensuring you meet the regulatory requirements related to Irrigation Development in Saskatchewan.
We are here to help!
If you have any questions or need assistance to navigate the applications and forms needed to complete your project, please reach out to our Client Service Agents 1.866.727.5420 or through email at