Water Security Agency

Agricultural Water Stewardship Policy

The Water Security Agency launched the Agriculture Water Management Strategy in 2016. It reflects the importance of drainage as a tool for producers to manage water on the land and has a vision of responsible agricultural water management supporting a resilient and thriving Saskatchewan.  

Responsible agriculture water management supports economic growth, while also maintaining water quality, safeguarding some wildlife habitat and reducing local flooding impacts. Key to achieving this vision is maintaining wetlands on the landscape. 

Wetlands contribute to a sustainable and resilient agriculture industry, and we know that Saskatchewan farmers and ranchers are already maintaining wetlands on their lands. It is estimated that 86% of wetlands (by area) in Saskatchewan’s agricultural zone are undrained. 

The Agricultural Water Stewardship Policy sets guidelines for a balanced regional approach to wetland retention and agricultural development. 

Learn more from Saskatchewan producers Rob Stone and Louis Hebert. 

If you have any questions about the Stewardship Policy or how it impacts your drainage approval,
please reach out to our Client Service Agents at 1.866.727.5420 or

Agricultural Water Stewardship Policy

The Agricultural Water Stewardship Policy is a made-in-Saskatchewan approach to managing wetlands on agricultural land. Read the full policy here.  

Wetlands & Agricultural Water Management in Saskatchewan

In Saskatchewan’s agricultural zone, there are more than 4.6M acres of wetlands and 86 per cent are undrained. Learn more about wetlands, how they are mapped and their current status. 

The Engagement Process
Since 2022, WSA engaged more than 80 stakeholder organizations and Indigenous communities to ensure the diverse perspectives of Saskatchewan people are reflected in the policy.  Learn more about the process and the feedback received through engagement. 

Research Projects

WSA invested more than $1 million in research, demonstration and pilot projects to inform development of the Policy. Learn more about the projects and the results.

Drainage Approval Process

Managing agricultural water is important to farm efficiency. To ensure responsible drainage, all drainage works require approval. Learn more about the approval process and how the Stewardship Policy’s wetland retention requirement impacts the process.  

For Producers: Wetland Stewardship and Drainage Approvals

Wetland stewardship will be a part of all drainage approvals. This factsheet provides important information for landowners who are planning drainage projects.  

Frequently Asked Questions
Check here for answers to frequently asked questions, such as what the policy is, why it was developed and how it will be implemented.