Water Security Agency
July 10, 2020

Water Security Agency Updates Saskatchewan River and Lake Levels

Northern Saskatchewan

Due to extremely wet conditions in recent days, flows at Sandy Bay will exceed the 2005 record flow of 2,300 cubic metres per second (m3/s) on July 16 and continue to rise. Flows at Sandy Bay are expected to peak at 2500 m3/s or slightly higher on July 23. This represents an increase of about 0.9m higher than currently experiencing at Sandy Bay.

For Reindeer Lake, outflows from Whitesand Dam are keeping the lake levels from rising; however, wind is a major factor on this lake so levels may cause water levels to fluctuate. Reindeer River below Reindeer Lake is experiencing record high flows.

In northwest Saskatchewan, high flow conditions remain on the Beaver River, with peaks recently passing in the Beauval area. Lac Ile-a-la-Crosse levels are expected to peak in mid-July.

WSA is also revising the expected peak for Lac La Ronge after recent rainfall in that region. This may result in higher water levels than originally forecast.

WSA, the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency and where necessary, the Ministry of Highways, have been working with all communities at risk, implementing flood mitigation and infrastructure protection measures.

North Saskatchewan River

On the North Saskatchewan River, the peak flow passing through Prince Albert today is close to 1850 m3/s. Water levels will decrease after today, however, are expected to increase to 1,300 m3/s on July 16.

Lake Diefenbaker

Lake Diefenbaker will remain high but within the operating range for the foreseeable future as inflows stabilize. Flows on the South Saskatchewan River will also remain high, near channel capacity; however, no overbank flow is expected.

Caution Advised

Residents living along these areas are advised that high flows pose a safety risk and high water levels could damage property and infrastructure over the coming days. Users are additionally advised to use caution around the watercourses as swift moving water can pose a hazard and to take steps to protect property where necessary. Conditions can be dangerous and change rapidly. Be aware of floating debris, unstable banks and high water velocities.

For further information:

Ron Podbielski

Water Security Agency
