The Water Security Agency is a unique organization in Canada – bringing together the majority of government’s core water management responsibilities in one place. We manage the province’s water supply, protect water quality, ensure safe drinking water and treatment of wastewater, own and manage 72 dams and related water supply channels, reduce flood and drought damage, protect aquatic habitat and provide information about water. The Water Security Agency also represents Saskatchewan on transboundary water issues.
Working in the fields of engineering, hydrology, hydrogeology, public policy, habitat protection, water resource allocation and regulations, the agency ensures the sustainability and quality of Saskatchewan’s surface and ground water supplies while protecting drinking water supplies from the source to the tap. Sustainable water supplies support growth, a healthy environment and quality of life for the people of Saskatchewan.
When it comes to water resources, we provide a one window service for Saskatchewan citizens.
To be the best water management agency in North America providing safe, reliable water that drives economic growth.
Strategic Themes
- Water Quantity
- Water Quality
- Resiliency
- People and Culture
Our commitment to our clients and our water resource guides how we do our work.
By the Numbers
- 320.5 full-time equivalents (FTEs) in 2024-25, located throughout the province
- 72 dams, owned and operated
- Over 230 kilometres of water conveyance channels
- More than 80 monitoring wells, reporting on aquifers since the 1960s
- 24 primary larger river/interjurisdictional water quality stations and many project-specific water monitoring sites
- 297 operational stations in our hydrometric network, collecting data on stream flows and lake levels
- 617 wastewater facilities under our regulation
- 810 waterworks under our regulation
The Water Security Agency is a Treasury Board Crown corporation within the meaning of The Crown Corporations Act, 1993. You can read The Water Security Agency Act as a PDF here.