Water Security Agency

Access to Information Requests

The Legislation

As a Treasury Board Crown corporation, the Water Security Agency (“WSA”) is subject to The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the “Act”), and The Freedom of Information, and Protection of Privacy Regulations (the “Regulations”) of Saskatchewan. The Act and the Regulations allow any person to apply for access to records that are in the possession of or under the control of WSA. 

The Act and the Regulations do not apply to: (i) published material or material that is available for purchase by the public; or (ii) material that is a matter of public record.

Application Process

Access to Information Requests should be sent to WSA’s Chief Access Officer, as follows:

Water Security Agency
Attention:  Chief Access Officer
101 – 111 Fairford Street E
Moose Jaw SK S6H 7X9
Phone: 866.727.5420


Under the Act, WSA has 30 calendar days to respond to Access to Information Requests.  The 30-day timeline begins from the date the Access to Information Request is received by WSA.  Where the Access to Information Request cannot be completed within the initial 30-day period, an applicant will receive written notice referencing an Extension of time provision in the Act that allows WSA to extend the response time an additional 30 days.


Access to Information Requests may be subject to a fee.  Fees are likely where the information requested is not readily available and additional work is required to generate the information sought or large numbers of records are requested.

If your Access to Information Request is subject to a fee, WSA will provide you with a fee estimate prior to searching for the requested information. You will then have 30 days to determine if you wish to proceed with your Access to Information Request.  You would be required to pay a deposit that does not exceed one-half of the estimated amount before the search is commenced and the remaining balance owing before the information is released.


Not all information in the possession or under the control of WSA is subject to disclosure under the Act. For a comprehensive list of exemptions, see Part III of the Act.  Examples of information that may not be subject to full disclosure includes: records that were obtained by WSA in confidence from other governments; information that may be injurious to intergovernmental relations or national defence; information that could prejudice law enforcement and investigations; Cabinet documents; advice from officials; and information that could reasonably be expected to interfere with the economic interests of government or a third party.


Please use the Access to Information Request Form.


The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulations

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner