Water Security Agency

Maps and GIS

The Water Security Agency uses Geographic Information Systems to manage spatial data related to ground and surface water in Saskatchewan. You can find information, maps and web mapping applications below. 

GeoHub Portal

The GeoHub portal brings together WSA’s Geographic Information System (GIS) layers and web maps in one place. This open-data portal enables users to conveniently search and download valuable GIS-based water data on-demand.

Aquatic Habitat Protection Program

You will need an aquatic habitat protection permit:

  • before starting any work in the bed, bank, or boundary of a water body or water course.
  • for any discharge with an adverse effect on water.

This interactive map will show you which AHP specialist to contact for your area. 

Find complete information about the Aquatic Habitat Protection Program here


Of the approximately 9,000 dams in Saskatchewan, most are small stock-watering dams. The Water Security Agency owns and operates 72 dams, including the largest structures and those of critical importance for managing Saskatchewan’s water. SaskPower is other major dam owner in the province, with 23 dams at seven different project sites/power systems. 

The link below will take you to an interactive map of all dams owned and operated by Water Security Agency:

Interactive Map of WSA Dams

How to Use the Interactive Map


This link will take you to a series of PDF maps of groundwater in Saskatchewan.

Regional Office Locations

The Water Security Agency operates five regional offices providing client services around the province.  You can find maps of the areas served by the offices below:

Regions and Office Locations (8.5 x 11 inches)
Regions and Office Locations (27 x 44 inches)

You can also visit Office Locations, search for your community and find the regional office serving your area. 

Major Drainage Basins

The maps below illustrate the 14 major drainage basins in Saksatchewan. 

Major Drainage Basins (8.5 x 11 inches)
Major Drainage Basins (27 x 44 inches)

Water Wells

The Water Security Agency collects and maintains a database of drilling records submitted by water well drillers. The Water Wells database contains approximately 125,000 records with nearly 2,000 new drilling reports added annually. The database contains information such as the local lithology, well completion, well depth, etc. Please note that the database does not contain all the wells completed in Saskatchewan, only those that were submitted by drillers. 

Interactive Map of Water Wells 

For more information about ground water resources and domestic well maintenance, see Ground Water.

Weather and Soil Data Stations

Starting in fall 2021, with the cooperation of local landowners, and in partnership with the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (SPSA), WSA installed twelve weather stations in areas where gaps in data gathering networks exist. In addition to the typical weather variables like temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and precipitation, these sites also collect soil moisture and temperature data at three depths, and incoming solar data

The new stations are located near Arcola, Candiac, Radville, Milestone, Francis, Quinton, Holdfast, Hazenmore, Mankota, Climax, Klintonel and Shaunavon.

Reports containing data from these stations are updated daily and archived every month and can be found online here.


WSA makes its GIS map layers available to the public. You can view the layers in the application of your choice, for example, ArcMap or ArcGIS Online.

REST Services

Saskatchewan River Basin

This map shows the Saskatchewan River Basin, stretching from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains to Lake Winnipeg. 

Saskatchewan River Basin Overview (8.5 x 11 inches)

Other useful GIS related links:

Government of Saskatchewan Geographic Information

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides maps of Canadian watershed boundaries.

See Flysask for digital aerial photography from the Saskatchewan Geospatial Imagery Collaborative. Use username/password:  guest/guest to login.

You can purchase hard-copy air photos and general-purpose topographic maps from Information Services Corporation (ISC).